Broccoli + Green Apple Juice + A Boost of Energy

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About four years ago J. gave me a juicer for my birthday, and I got so excited that I started juicing up every piece of fruit and vegetable in sight! Apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, spinach, cucumber, parsley ... yes, everything that I could juice!

I started out following the juice recipes from the juicer's manual, then over time I decided to start experimenting, mixing and matching fruit and vegetables more according to our taste. And after a while I started creating my own juice recipes. I was mostly juicing fruits and only added a couple of vegetables at the time, for some reason juicing fruits was more appealing to me than was juicing vegetables.Yes,  the taste of fruit juices certainly suit my palate, that sweetness in the juice made my taste buds feel great! It was perfect! 

But soon I discovered that fruit juices were simply accentuating more my affair with SUGAR {which unfortunately could gradually increase sugar addiction}. So, since fruit juices and vegetables juices do not have the same health benefits, I started experimenting more with more vegetables than fruits (and if you want to know more about juicing, you can read these articles here and here you'll be surprised to know the differences between the two and how vegetable juices can make your system feel better and do wonders for your health!) After reading and juicing a lot of vegetables... I immediately started to increase the amount of vegetables that I was juicing. And soon (without even noticing I was juicing + combining 80% vegetables 20% fruits)... the "green juicing vegetables-mania" started. 

The taste wasn't very pleasant at first, since my taste buds were very much in love with the fructose of fruit juices. But little by little I increased  the amount of green vegetables in my juicing and decreasing the fruits until my body didn't crave for fruits high in sugar. And now I just prefer drinking only leafy green vegetables juices with a little bit of fruits in it, is like drinking a refreshing salad! We try juicing as often as we could, either J. or me would jump into the kitchen and start juicing our veggies, just any time of the day, really. Is a very convenient way (particularly for busy parents + busy ladies) of having your green + vegetables and keep health and energy strengthened.

But despite our raw vegetables juicing habit and the healthy benefits we've been able to get from it,  I have to tell you that we hardly ever get sick, and also have more vitality. Hope you give it a Try! And you'll surely feel a boost of energy.

Have you ever tried juicing your vegetables?

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Make 1 Lt

When cutting broccoli trim leaves from stalk, then cut the stalk off the head of the broccoli, cut as high as possible so the florets fall away as you cut. Then cut stalk into halves.

570 g / 20 oz Broccoli {include both the stalks and florets together}
2 Medium Green Apples, cut into quarters
1 Large Cucumber, peeled and cut into halves
2 Stalk of Celery
1 Green Bell Pepper, cut into halves
1 Medium Tomato
1 Lemon, peeled
1 Piece of Fresh Ginger {29 g./ 1.0 oz}, peeled

In a juicer, start by adding  half of the broccoli florets and stalks, alternating a bit of each vegetable and fruit at the time. Continue until everything is juiced.

Broccoli  health benefits here.

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